


Romans 8:14: For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

We are making decisions that are inspired by the spirit of God. The good thing about Christianity is that as believers, we are all connected to God directly through the spirit of God within us. We can hear God and be moved by God first-hand.

One of the ways God leads our lives is by influencing and inspiring the decisions we make to get us to the right destination (Jeremiah 29:11).
Your decision will determine your destination. The decisions we make today provide a knowledge of how our future will be, as every decision we make is gradually taking you on a journey or putting you on a path.

When we make spirit-led decisions, there is an assured upward trajectory. It doesn’t matter where you currently are or what the state of your affairs is, your direction and location will catch up with your daily decisions. What is going on within you is more important than what is going on around you.
In any sphere of life, the people who will take charge of different sectors in the future are making the right decisions now.

Making Spirit-led decisions is the act of making up your mind by the Spirit of God, through the power and purpose of God, which brings about powerful and positive events in your life that keep you within the boundaries of God’s plans for your life, that makes you enjoy all-round victory and peace.

No matter the dreams and aspirations of a fish, once it steps outside the water, you can start to prepare the fish. In the same way, no matter the dreams you have, if you are making the wrong decisions, it is a matter of time before they begin to reflect in your life.

Your decision about your associations, your aspirations, your locations or movement should be in line with the will and purpose of God for your life.

When we talk about decision-making, we mostly look at the big things and forget the little things or decisions we think are casual decisions, which affect us daily. This implies that, most of your decisions that affect your daily living are unconsciously made.

How to make Spirit-led decisions:

Making the right big decisions comes from making consistently little right decisions.

God is already at work in you making you make the right decisions (Philippians 2:13).

Just as the heart pumps blood to the body, God is consistently pumping His desires into your mind to make Spirit-led decisions.

Your recognition system is key to making Spirit-led decisions. The mind works like a computer system, it decides based on the facts available to it. There is a frame of reference which are set of facts with which you make your judgement. The word of God must gain ascendancy in your frame of reference. Just like a computer system, there is an input(fact), processing(thoughts) and output(decisions). If you let the spirit of God and the word of God become part of your frame of reference, and thoughts in line with the will of God for your life, your output or decisions will be great and spirit-led.


  1. Pay attention to Spirit-led inputs.
    Your input determines Spirit-led decisions. The heart is the place of input and processing (Proverbs 4:18-23). Pay attention to what is happening in your soul especially your sights (things you are seeing) and sounds (things you are hearing). It starts from the heart. Let the word of God dwell richly in your heart. There must be a constant interaction with the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit for Spirit-led decisions.


  1. Pay attention to Spirit-led processing. (Philippians 4:8).
    Meditation on the word of God is key. Having the word of God written in your heart through daily studying of the word of God ensures that your thoughts are in line with the desires of God for your life. John 6:63


  1. Let God be the driver of your life, not gold (Matthew 6:24).
    Once your life is filled with the love of money, you are likely to make wrong decisions (1 Timothy 6:10).
    Money is neither moral nor immoral, it is amoral. If you do not address the issue of the love of money in your life, it will dress you in the wrong way. There are Spirit-led decisions and money-led decisions.

What is the motivation of your life? The Holy Spirit or the love of money?

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