


John 10:27: My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

Hearing God is one of the fundamental requirements for the success of a believer. Hearing God distinguishes Christianity from other religions. It is a realm of relationship with God. Christianity is not a religion of ‘do’s and ‘don’ts’ but we’re called to have a relationship with GOD.
Jn.14:16-17. The HOLY SPIRIT is given to us as believers but the world cannot receive HIM. Every believer can hear God. All other religions don’t hear GOD, hearing GOD is the exclusive preserve of believers.
How Jesus related with his disciples is the way we should be relating with the HOLY SPIRIT.
Hearing god is a privilege in the relationship. The Holy Spirit in us is the spiritual version of the relationship Jesus Christ had with His disciples constantly communicating and relating with them (John 14:16-17).
God wants an ongoing communication with Him through the Holy Spirit, a tete-a-tete with Him daily (Romans 8:14). Not necessarily having to take time off for days before we can hear GOD.
God leads and He speaks (Galatians 5:25; John 5:19).

How do you make the voice of God the regular sound that you hear:

  1. Make your relationship with GOD a priority and the sounds of GOD’S voice will become your identity. A balanced relationship with God is reading the word of God combined with prayer and worship. Reading the word of God makes you hear God, and prayer and worship make you speak to God. 2 Tim. 3:16.
    Many times, you’ll start with the scriptures and GOD will direct you to things that pertain to your life. Have a set time where you’ll always have your devotion. Mk.1:35. Make it plain to all by your consistency to that time. Like a radio frequency, the voice of God is always airing, you just must tune in to the frequency


  1. Practise daily and hourly interaction with God and make it a lifestyle.:
    With consistent obedience, you will recognise how God speaks to you. When GOD speaks to us, the voice of God gives you an instruction that is in alignment with the Scriptures or information that reminds you of Scriptures (Hebrews 5:14; John 21:15; 14:26). Begin to master the pattern of how GOD speaks to you Don’t say something told me, it is the HOLY SPIRIT.


  1. Don’t limit God by establishing a pattern of how God speaks to you. God works in diverse ways. Beyond the pattern you are used to, God can speak to you in another way (Numbers 22:30; Revelation 4:1). God cannot be confined to a way of speaking (2 Timothy 1:7). God speaks to you through other believers confirming what He has already spoken to you.


When you hear and understand the sound of God’s voice your life is set for an upward trajectory.

Hearing the voice of God is a game-changer!

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